Lesson 4: Adjectives and being something

You didn't think that the only adjectives in Taruven were the adjectival suffixes, did you? There are proper word-adjectives too, but they're called statives, because they aren't quite like adjectives in English. For one, they are a lot like nouns, a little like places, and a lot like verbs. Stative comes from state, and a stative like, say, halu tired can be translated as to be in a state of tiredness.

The skinny on statives

Below are several sentences with adjectives in Taruven.

    1. šiar bren a/the black car / the car is black
    2. bren šiar a/the black car / the car is black
    3. gen šiar brenaþ I cover a/the black car
    4. gen brenaþ šiaraþ I cover a/the black car
    5. gen šiaraþ I cover a/the black thing/person
    6. saì llev the river is salty / a/the salty river
    7. gav šiar geìl gežaaþ llevaþ the black dog eats the salty meal

From these examples we can see that:

Basically, Taruven statives are like intransitive verbs (like heal to rest, remember?) with an added be. Imagine that to be is in front of every single stative, so that you have gar to be strong, llev to be salty and šiar to be black.

So, what else does verbs and statives have in common? Well...

    1. ū heal you rest
    2. ū healra you rested
    3. ū healsu you will rest
    4. ū gar you are strong
    5. ū garra you were strong
    6. ū garsu you will be strong

... both can be marked for tense, -ra for past and -su for future... in fact, statives can be marked for anything a verb can be marked for. Furthermore, a stative can be marked for anything a noun can be marked for, including number!

Statives are like super-words, the only thing they can't do is have an object! Yes, that means that a stative acting as a verb can have an indirect object:

  1. jehan gar ūið John/Jane is strong for your sake.

In this particular case the example cannot be translated as *Strong John/Jane for your sake, as that's rather nonsensical.

From statives to verbs and back again

Statives are all states (a few verbs are also states though), and to enter or exit a state, for instance enter a state of tiredness by becoming tired we need a verb. It is necessary to derive a verb from the stative and depending on what type of verb you want, there are several possibilities:

    1. isse something is closed, your regular stative
    2. žyn isse the/a door is closed, your regular stative
    3. žyn isser The/a door closes suddenly and abruptly
    4. žyn issel The/a door closes slowly and carefully
    5. fen žynaþ issege They close the/a door.
    6. fen žynaþ issegeke They close the/a door for me.
    7. kellek gīl the/a fading sun
    8. kellekra gīl the/a faded sun

-r and -l handles entering and exiting a state, -ge is a causative and makes a transitive verb, while -geke is a double causative and makes a ditransitive. You migh think that the latter is unneccessary, since all verbs and statives can have an indirect object anyway, but without -geke you can't drop the third person animate pronoun ī or its plurals fen they, fa the two of them, they two and fin they few.



To see an answer, hover over a word in the question.

New words used in the lesson

kellto fade
fathe two of them, they two, third person dual pronoun (subject)
fenthey, third person plural pronoun (subject)
finthey few, third person paucal pronoun (subject)
gīla sun
isseclosed (stative)
-rapast tense suffix
-sufuture tense suffix
žyna door

Words seen before

bren, -du, -en, -es, gar, gen, geìl, geža, heal, ī, jehan, kaìr, llev, o, -o, ommydh, , -ru, , saì, sen, , suì, ša, šege, ševa, ū, -va, yélla, yéras, zigh

Translate the sentences to English:

  1. ū šege jehanið brenaþ

How would you say: (tricky!)

  1. He gives it to me

Questions to answer:

  1. If the indirect object is me (sāið), can you drop it?